Syinlu invites you to join us. I remind myself constantly that everything Syinlu now has is from the generous and selfless giving of other people in the last two decades. They allow us to help more kids with mental retardation. For this reason, we will only pay more attention and efforts in the future, in order to make the giving of each and every one of our sponsors worthwhile.

Back in the 70s, words like “mental retardation”, “Down’s syndrome”, “cerebral palsy” and “autism” are still very new to normal people. Families with mentally or intellectually disabled members were often faced with the misunderstanding of the society and the scarcity of education, childcare, medication and employment resources. That is when a couple of parents of mentally disabled kids decided to work together and started the first issue of “Syinlu Bimonthly”. With the efforts of these parents, Syinlu Foundation, the first social welfare organization founded by parents of the physically and mentally retarded was established in 1987. (“Syinlu Foundation” was renamed “Syinlu Social Welfare Foundation” in 1998.)

“Provide a full range services, promote opportunities in environment, and achieve the maximum possibility of the mentally and developmentally disabled.” We do not have financial support from enterprises. What we rely on is solely the love of a parent to his kid. No one would want his kids sick or disabled, but it is not a choice. We are sorry about our kids’ misfortune, but we will never give up. Our most important mission and the reason we are established is “to have the heart of a parent and walk the kids through their life.”

In these past two decades, we see more and more families with mentally or intellectually disabled members willing to step outside their houses, and we also see more and more people willing to accept them and care for them. In the future, Syinlu will keep our original passion and continue to offer professional help for mentally or intellectually disabled kids and their family. Our goal is “to help the intellectually and developmentally disabled with to a hopeful, dignified, and rich life.